Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Level 1 (First Grade) - Reading 200-400 Characters

Level 1 refers to First Grade Chinese reading. This blog begins after my son has learned around 200-250 words during his Kindergarten year (see previous blog). He can finally (I say again finally!) read some Chinese storybooks. Below are what I found in increasing difficulties. When you look below, you will see the books are really still quite baby, all the content below are really targeted in Mainland China for around 2-5 years old. A pre-Kindergarten child in China will have vocabularies to read these books, while my children whose first language is not Chinese, is learning to read at around 6 years old so the content is going to be a little below him. My hope is that he can quickly catch up to a level where the stories are more interesting and suited for his age.

We used Singapore Grade 1 textbook plus Si Wu Kuai Du books 2-3 to learn Chinese characters recognition.The books below approximately corresponds to these levels.

Easiest storybooks
(5 new words)

(5 new words)
哈 欠 睡 觉

(9 new words)
 意 思 蚂 蚁 青 蛙 乌 鸦

(11 new words)
        漂 亮  


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